About Tyrian

Tyrian means to be “of Tyre.” Tyre means “rock.” To be Tyrian means to be rock. The last line of one of the greatest rocks songs of all time, Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway to Heaven,” declares, “to be a rock, and not to roll,” emphasizing the humanistic goal of self-realization—what it means to finally be free to be true to one’s self: unmoved by egoic delusions and transient external illusions. At Tyrian Press, being a rock means to exist in the world as an example of impeccable personal integrity. To be something solid for the soul of the self, and thereby something good for all the other selves of the world who may make contact with that self. More simply put, at Tyrian Press we aspire to publish what is enlightened and true, what people can trust. Tyre was an ancient port city that is said to be the birthplace of Europa, the Phoenician princess whom Zeus took to be his wife and for whom the continent Europe is named after. The city of Tyre was known for its purple dye, which only the very wealthy could afford. At the time, purple dye was made by extracting it from sea snails. This required tens of thousands of snails and tremendous effort to make very little dye. 10,000 snails would yield only a gram of dye. Tyrian purple was extremely valuable and came to be associated with royalty. At Tyrian Press we engage our creators in the most rigorous distillation process, yielding from them their most precious substance. The city of Tyre was eventually destroyed by Alexander the Great because the Tyrians would not compromise their sacred spiritual practices. They refused to submit to the conqueror because of their deeply rooted honor and self-respect. But the Tyrian spirit lives on… Taking inspiration from the story of Tyre, at Tyrian Press we are uncompromising in our will to produce quality inspirational literature. We refuse to produce quick cash products that “write to market” or generate knock-offs of previous works. Our philosophy is this: If the work is good, it will market itself. Readers want to share the rock solid material we create at Tyrian Press.


Iphelia is a graphic novel illustrating the language of feelings and teaching valuable lessons in friendship, forgiveness, creativity, integrity, and the power of feeling!

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